










33rd edition of the Skialp Dolomiti di Brenta


The sport of ski-alpinism has chosen the Brenta Dolomites as the setting for the singles finals of the 2007 World Cup


What could be more exhilarating than climbing a mountain covered in pure white snow, experiencing the challenge of alpinism in a crisp winter environment?
Making your way along a magnificent, precipitous slope decked in snow, over a glacier splintered by crevasses and through a sudden fog that demands total concentration, a complete understanding of the environment, skills that can only be acquired through a profound empathy with the mountain and nature, a knowledge of oneself and a clear perception of one's own limits. For these reasons, but also because it offers an opportunity to experience uniquely beautiful aspects of nature, ski-alpinism is one of the most enthralling and complete of all mountain activities. This discipline, the new frontier of skiing, is attracting ever increasing numbers of enthusiasts who seek more than just physical exertion, but a chance to discover and savour true escapism into infinitely vast spaces. And if skiing literally means 'to cut a trail', the only true skier is the one who breaks free of the confines of the piste and, even more so, the one who also leaves a trail leading upwards: the ski-alpinist.
Only superior off-piste skills will allow you to leave your very own signature in the snow. In ski-alpinism, every long excursion is filled with exploration and adventure. Every peak, every valley becomes the next goal for the true sports enthusiast in search of unique sensations, such as the satisfaction of conquering another summit or the feeling of gliding down towards the valley on fresh snow and in complete freedom. Alpine guides provide constantly updated information to enjoy the myriad different routes available in total safety. The best periods to experience the high mountain environment are the end of winter and beginning of spring.

During this period, outings are regularly organised that include stopovers at high altitude Alpine refuges, ascents up the massifs of Adamello Presanella and excursions, such as the well known itinerary to Cima Roma, in the heart of the Brenta Dolomites.
This magnificent scenario will provide the setting for the 33rd edition of the Skialp Dolomiti di Brenta, the singles final of the 2007 ski-alpinism World Cup (April 15th, 2007).


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